About Us

Cooperation Partnerships

As part of long-term and proven cooperation partnerships, we offer joint therapy events, such as health weeks, in collaboration with different institutions. On this page, we would like to present a few of these collaborative projects to you.

Paramed Training & Outpatient Clinic

Since 2011 we have worked in close cooperation with Paramed, the largest complementary medicine provider in Switzerland. In addition to a training cooperation in Myoreflex therapy, Dr. med. Kurt Mosetter has also provided direct patient consultations at the Paramed Outpatient Clinic in Baar (Canton of Zug). You can find additional information about this cooperation here.

Center for Psychotraumatology

The Center for Psychotraumatology in Krefeld is the first institution in Germany to specialize in this important field. In close collaboration with the Center’s Director, Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Robert Bering and his team, patients at the facility receive Myoreflex Therapy treatments in addition to their trauma psychology care. In this way, Myoreflex therapists from the Center for Interdisciplinary Therapies Cologne can integrate positive physical elements into the healing process on site at the Center.

Training and Mobility

An essential part of successful convalescence after injury, illness or psychological trauma lies in the possibility of being able to move again and to be at home in ones body. In Myoreflex Therapy we experience great results with certain systems and devices that we would like to present in detail here.


Here you can find links to the cooperation partners with whom we work closely together in search of new discoveries and to reexamine and confirm established insights with the aim of providing you with the best possible care through a tightly coordinated network.


Center for Psychotraumatology at the Krefeld Alexianer Hospital (Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Robert Bering) including Myoreflex Therapy/neuromuscular trauma therapy


Beate Wiedemann, Artist (Vogtsburg-Oberrotweil am Kaiserstuhl)


China Wushu Institut (Shaofan Zhu, St. Gallen)


German Psychotherapy Association (DGPTW) (Prof. Dr. Gottfried Fischer, Institute for Psychotherapy Research, University of Cologne)


Novotec Medical GmbH, Manufacturer of Galileo-Training Equipment (Pforzheim)


Association for Dance, Movement and Idleness (Kerstin Kussmaul, Vienna)


HELIOS Clinic Diez, Specialized Center for Psychotraumatology (Diez)


il Trillo Music Therapy (Wolfgang Fasser, Poppi/Italy)


artepuri® hotel meerSinn with an associated Health Center (Karin Reeckmann, Director of Physiotherapy & Fitness, Ostseebad Binz auf Rügen)


os training & therapy, Practice for Physiotherapy and Functional Training (Oliver Schmidtlein, Munich)


Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle (Dr. Thomas Rau, Lustmühle/Switzerland)


German Institute for Psychotraumatology (Prof. Dr. Gottfried Fischer, University of Cologne)


Swiss Institute for Psychotraumatology (PD Dr. Rosmarie Barwinski, Winterthur/Switzerland)

Training Opportunities Offered by our Cooperation Partners

Advanced Training Program: Specialized Consultant in Psychotraumatology

Advance training program with graduation certificate from the German Institute for Psychotraumatology (DIPT) under the direction of Dipl.-Psych. Claudia Schedlich. You can find additional information about this program here.


ZiT Konstanz

Obere Laube 44
78462 Konstanz


ZiT Konstanz
    +49 7531 – 7141 - 100    
Academy Dr. Mosetter
    +49 7351 – 7141 - 200    

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