
Neck Pain

Over half of the population is affected by neck pain. Growing numbers of children and adolescents are complaining of tension and pain in the shoulder and neck area. In the vast majority of such cases, it is not rheumatic diseases or bony defects that are responsible for the pain, but instead, asymmetrically burdened and improperly stressed muscles in the cervical spine area. These muscles behave similarly to the cords used in setting up a tent: as soon as one cord is excessively tense, there is no way to set up the tent perpendicularly even if we increase the counter-tension on the remaining cords.

The cervical spine is similarly incapable of maintaining a perpendicular posture. Through a persistent, one-sided postural pattern, such as prolonged sitting at school, in the office or while using the computer, the anterior neck muscles and the muscles of the shoulder girdle become too short. Similarly, riding a bike and “improper” fitness training that builds up the upper arms and the chest muscles can make the neck muscles too strong on one side and too short. In order to keep the head properly positioned, all of the muscles on the opposite side of the body – that is, in the neck, - have to provide counter-tension. Because of this, the neck muscles are overworked and begin to hurt. Yet the real cause is in the front!

Injections, trigger point treatments, chiropractic maneuvers and acupuncture needles applied directly to the muscles that are hurting or to the constrained joint areas in the neck cannot accomplish their goal. What would be much more logical is to regulate the shortened muscle groups on the chest side through treatment. This would make the high muscular counter-tension in the neck muscles unnecessary – and the tension would quickly dissipate. Thus, the most effective treatment points for rapidly and intelligently treating neck symptoms are actually located on the anterior side of the body.

The muscle groups around the first cervical vertebra (atlas) are of critical importance for guiding muscular balance in the area of the neck, shoulders and head. Neuromuscular regulation of these guiding muscles through Myoreflex Therapy, integrated with active KiD exercises (resistance training in stretched positions), result in multiple positive after-effects. In this way, blocked joints can be unlocked through the biomechanics of the muscles, and stressed nerve bundles and blood vessels, which were being “strangulated” between hardened muscles, can be released.
Finally, through fine palpation and gently applied manual stimuli in the region of the upper cervical vertebrae, the critical circuitry of the autonomic nervous can be brought back in line. Elevated tension levels from sympathetic nervous system stimulation diminish, and the inhibitory effects of parasympathetic nervous system stimulation via the vagus nerve can successfully take over the function of self-regulation.

This method often provides basic and sustained relief for neck pain, tension in the shoulder girdle, headaches and shoulder-arm syndromes.


ZiT Konstanz

Obere Laube 44
78462 Konstanz


ZiT Konstanz
    +49 7531 – 7141 - 100    
Academy Dr. Mosetter
    +49 7351 – 7141 - 200    

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