Basic Training in Myoreflex Therapy
Participants are initiated to the field of Myoreflex Therapy through the basic training program. Here, the specific perspectives and techniques of Myoreflex Therapy are thoroughly explained and taught, in both theory and practice.
Course Contents (a selection)
- Basic principles of Myoreflex Therapy
- Anatomy and functional anatomy in relation to Myoreflex Therapy
- Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in relation to Myoreflex Therapy
- Biomechanics and its therapeutic application
- Fundamentals of general and specialized neurophysiology and neuroanatomy
- Pain models with horizontal and vertical networking theories
- Simulated movement
- Preparing the way toward a new understanding of illness patterns and their treatment
- Intensive, targeted practical introduction in small groups to the treatment of specific illness patterns
- Presentation models
- Relevant anatomy from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Psychotraumatology
- Fundamentals of neuromuscular trauma therapy (NMTT)
- Conceptual models in Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Myoreflex Therapy in pediatrics and neurology
- Myoreflex Therapy as a networked treatment model with internal medicine and surgery
- Myoreflex Therapy for psychosomatic illnesses
- Final examination with certification as a Myoreflex Therapist (theory and practice)
Course in Kopenhagen, Denmark with start in March 2021: Details & Informations
Course in Vienna, Austria with start in June 2021: Details & Informations